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50 Habits That Will Make A Big Difference In Your Life

50 Habits That Will Make A Big Difference In Your Life

"You'll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine."

John C. Maxwell

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Habits are a huge part of our lives. We go through life doing certain things without even thinking about it. Because they have just become habits. Habits are created due to days, weeks, and months of doing the same thing. It's like being on autopilot.

The more good habits we can add to our life can only benefit us. And the same goes for dropping our bad habits. And who doesn't want to improve their lives? Think about it; simply adding a few new patterns to your life can positively impact your life. You can be healthier and happier depending on your habits.

If you want to feel better and see a difference in your day-to-day life, try adding some of these habits into your daily routine. I can guarantee you that each one of these daily habits can make your life better if you are consistent with them.

1. Start your day early.

2. Do some morning stretches.

3. Get in a daily walk.

4. Dress for your day. If you walk around in your PJs all day, you will not be very productive.

5. Drink lots of water.

6. Eat a salad every day.

7. Eat a healthy breakfast.

8. Take the stairs instead of the elevator.

9. Keep a food journal.

10. Count your steps

11. Try plain yogurt and add your own fresh berries.

12. Try adding a cup of green tea to your daily routine.

13. Eat several small servings of nuts throughout the day.

14. Fill up on fruits and vegetables.

15. Take your vitamins and supplements.

16. Keep the healthy snacks in plain sight. Stash the not-so-healthy snacks in the cupboard.

17. Get up and walk when you have the urge to eat something you shouldn't eat.

18. Work on eliminating your bad habits.

19.Learn to say no. Everyone has to say no at times.

20. Stay away from negative people.

21. Always look for the bright side in difficult situations.

22. Live in the present. Let go of the past.

23. Try to learn something new each day.

24. Wear the clothes you like.

25. Keep in close touch with family.

26. Set up regular lunch dates with friends.

27. Spend some time in nature.

28. Use moisturizer

29. Never go to bed without removing your make-up.

30. Always find humor in life.

31. Make time for a hobby you enjoy.

32. Do crossword puzzles, play Suduko, and play chess. Keep your mind sharp.

33. Do a random act of kindness.

34. Do not judge yourself.

35. Enjoy the little things in life.

36. Reward yourself, even if it's just a little accomplishment or success.

37. Smile often.

38. Admit your mistakes.

39 . Believe in yourself. Whatever it is, you can handle it.

40. Be your own cheerleader.

41. Organize something every day-a drawer, your desk...

42. Throw away things you don't need.

43. Write a to-do list.

44. Learn to budget your money.

45. Learn to save some money.

46. Stick to your shopping list.

47. Limit your time on social media.

48. Before going to bed, do a room-by-room quick pick-up.

49. Change up your daily routine once in a while.

50. Don't leave a mess. Clean up as you go.

Of course, you don't have to add them to your day all at once. And you certainly don't have to add all of them. You try a few out and see how they work. What do you have to lose?

"Successful people are simply those with successful habits."

-Brian Tracy



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