Another year is gone. Hard to believe that 2018 is coming to an end.
Am I the only one that loves the feeling of excitement and mystery when a new year is beginning? Speculating on what the new year will have in store for me.
No resolutions for me this year. They never seem to work for me. They are never specific enough. Resolving with no plan is no more than a passing thought of what I would like to do.
So this year I am setting goals. I need a step by step plan with mini goals. The feeling of achieving a mini goal in pursuit of my larger goal will be a great motivator.
My larger goal is to get back on track with a healthy lifestyle. I have let myself get way out of control in the last few months. Exercise has fallen by the wayside. I am ashamed of the direction my eating habits have gone.
I am a realist. I am not going to get up January 1st and suddenly change the bad eating habits all at once. And I am not going to jump into exercising full steam ahead.
It will have to be a gradual process to get me headed in the right direction. That is where the mini goals come into play. For me to try and correct all the bad habits I have allowed myself to fall into will take some baby steps.
An example of how my weekly goals will look:
Week one-Add more fruit to my diet and reduce my sugar intake.
Week two-Add more vegetables into my diet-add some exercise at least three times during the week.
Week three-water, water, water!
Week four-Add more exercise to the routine.
Week five-Add some weight training.
The plan is to each week add new habits to my daily routine.
I have been here and done this before. I need to get back on the right path.
Meal planning and preparation will be a crucial part of getting back on track.
I am going to track, what I am eating, how much I am exercising and most importantly how I am feeling throughout this process.
And I am not just saying this is what I WANT to do. I am positively saying this is what I AM going to do. What is the point in setting goals for yourself if you're not willing to put forth the effort?
Stay tuned for updates.
I have several other goals I will be planning out shortly. I will keep you updated. Stay tuned!