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Tips to Help You Create And Maintain An Organized And Productive Work Space

Create An Organized And Productive Workspace

"Organizing is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up."

It can't be only me that sometimes struggles to keep my desk area neat and organized. I do like a neat, tidy desk. An organized desk is so much more inspiring than a desk that appears to have been hit by a small tornado. A clean, well-organized desk almost begs you to sit down and get to work.

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But, somehow, I can start with a clean, tidy desk, but a few hours later, I push my chair back with a satisfied sigh, happy with my accomplishments. A job well done.

But my desk, of course, was pretty much-demolished. The tornado that hit my desk was none other than me. And sadly, usually, I leave it and have to face it the next day. And that is not a good start to a productive day.

It's a pretty well-known fact that having a clean desk is a surefire way to be more productive. And who doesn't want to be as effective as possible?

Keeping my desk ready for productive work has become a priority for me. I have learned a few tips and tricks along the way.

Things I have learned about how to keep a neat productive work area.

First, take a good hard look at your desk. And then remove anything that does not belong on your desk. You don't want to sit down at your desk to get some work done and then find yourself constantly looking for things you need. Purge the clutter.

Keep supplies to a minimum. Do you need more than one or two pens? How many pads of paper do you need? Limiting pens and pads of paper is hard for me; I have a bit of an obsession with pads of paper, notebooks, and pens. So, I have one basket that I keep a small part of my collection of pens and paper tucked away in. And that basket is on a table next to my desk.

Next, make sure that your desk drawers contain only necessary items. And organize the contents of your drawers so you can quickly locate any needed supplies.

Desk drawer trays can keep your pens, paperclips, post-it notepads, and other misc items organized and handy.

We all have a few personal items we need to keep close to us. A cute little basket on or near your desk can be a perfect solution for where to keep your phone, or maybe your afternoon snack.

Keep a trash container in easy reach. And make good use of it.

Use stacking letter trays to keep your papers organized. There is nothing worse than frantically searching through a pile of documents for that one particular page. Keep things sorted and filed.

Have designated spots for everything on your desk. That will make it easier to locate things. No one wants to waste time always looking for something that should be readily available within easy reach.

When you have finished one project, take a few minutes and straighten up your desk before moving to the next thing on your list. Being organized can be a great time saver, which gives you the ability to move from one task to another smoothly and almost effortlessly.

Of course, having a well-organized workspace doesn't mean the area cannot also be a warm, inviting spot. Make it into a place where you can be productive and feel comfortable and happy working. Add a little color and warmth. Include some of your personal touches to it.

The most important thing to remember is that you have to do the upkeep when you get your desk set up in a way that works for you. Make sure that you put things back where they belong at the end of the day and wipe down your desk. Start the next day prepared and ready to go.

"Outer order contributes to inner calm."


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