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Happiness And Old Age

Happy older people enjoying time with friends
happy older people

Happiness And Old Age

"There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age." ~Sophia Loren

Getting old doesn't mean the end of happiness. We have a lot of happiness left in us. It's our time to shine.

Our 20's, 30's, 40' and maybe even our 50s are behind us now. Those midlife years were probably the toughest. Of course, they are also some of the most rewarding years. We were raising our families and working. Then we had all the school and athletic events. Most of us were on the go non-stop. I am sure, at times, we miss those days, and then there are days that we cherish the idea that we are free to do what we please and when we please.

We have all our happy memories to look back on. And we still have some happy memories to make. And yes, we will make plenty of good memories. We are at a time in our lives when happiness may be more abundant than when we were younger.

We are no longer running the kids here and there. Many of us no longer even work. We are at a time when we can put ourselves first. Do the things we have wanted to do. Things that make us HAPPY!

Believe it or not, old age is a perfect time for happiness. Our kids are grown up with their own families, and we are likely no longer working. Many of us have been waiting for the day we could retire.

I firmly believe that each one of us is in control of our happiness. I also think that it takes some work on our part. Happiness doesn't just walk up and knock on our door.

You need to sit down and think about what makes you happy. What are those things you must enjoy doing? What were those things you planned on doing when you had the time? Now is the time to start doing the things that bring happiness to you.

7 Things That Should Make You Happy

1. Socialize with friends. A weekly lunch date, a regular morning phone call, or maybe join in at some activities at your local Senior Center. Senior centers offer a variety of activities, and it provides a chance to make new friends.

2. Spend time with family. Family get-togethers always make me happy. Sunday dinners, birthday parties, trips to the park, and days at the beach, are all great ideas for spending time together. But we flat out don't need a reason to get together. Make a phone call, set a time and place, and let the fun begin.

3. Spend some quiet time reading. Reading makes me happy. A good mystery or romance is a great way to spend some time. I have been an avid reader all my life. So for me, reading equals happiness. A good book, a comfortable chair, and maybe a cup of tea make for a great afternoon.

4. Set some goals or challenges. Setting goals gives you a sense of purpose. Achieving your goals gives you an incredible feeling of satisfaction and also provides a feeling of happiness. Maybe set monthly goals. How about walking three times a week for a month? Or what about volunteering at a local soup kitchen once a week? I am sure you can come up with some goal ideas.

5. Learn something new. It's essential to keep learning as we age. A great way to occupy ourselves is to learn something new. Do some research about a topic you find interesting. Maybe you have always wanted to write a book or a short story. Take an art class, a writing class, or a cooking class. Brush up on your technology skills.

6. Get involved in some hobbies. Did you once want to garden or maybe take a cooking class? Or perhaps learning a new language was something you have wanted to do. Plenty of great hobbies bring happiness and a sense of purpose. Try something new!

7. Create a fun bucket list. You don't have to aspire to climb a mountain or ski the alps. How about trying a new flavored coffee or creamer or reading a book by an author you have not read before? Once a month, try a new restaurant for lunch. Travel somewhere you have never been but always wanted to visit. Short road trips can be a lot of fun.

8. Outdoor activities are something that many people enjoy. A morning walk, maybe hiking with a few friends. Appreciating the time spent in nature can be good for the soul.

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Don't forget to enjoy the little pleasures we all enjoy so much. The feel of the morning sun as you sit on your porch having your morning coffee. Watching a rabbit scurry across your yard. Listening to the birds sing—a smile from a stranger. So many things bring a smile and a bit of happiness to us.

If unsure of what makes you happy, explore new things and see if anything clicks with you.

"Aging isn't about getting old it's about LIVING… Learning that you can age well, will actually help you to age better… let's start celebrating and living an engaged life, and stop punishing ourselves for not looking a certain way, and instead holding ourselves accountable for actually taking care of ourselves inside first, knowing the results on the exterior will be a shining side effect." ~ Cameron Diaz

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