Keeping Busy During The Pandemic
Many of us are stuck at home or soon will be. All the states seem to be closing just about everything down. And of course, all countries are affected by this virus. So, I guess you could say we are all pretty much in the same boat. And hopefully, the boat will not sink on us.
But I have faith and hope that our lives will return to normal soon and that we will weather these rough times and, in the end, will be stronger for it.
We need to stay calm and carry on the best we can.
We won't be going to sporting events, movies, or out to eat. Probably not attending any social activities with friends. So I'm guessing we will all be looking for things to keep us busy.
The first thing that pops into my mind is it would be an excellent time to start spring cleaning. I know it doesn't sound like much fun, but when the crisis is over, we will be ready to enjoy ourselves again with our spring cleaning all completed.
If the spring cleaning idea doesn't appeal to you, here are a few more suggestions.
Read, read, read. I have loaded up my kindle. And I am ready to enjoy uninterrupted reading.
Something I have not tried in many, many years a jigsaw puzzle. It's a thought. It takes time and patience.
I am sure that everyone is already thinking of Netflix bingeing. And let's not forget the Hallmark Channel.
Spend a whole day watching Disney movies.
Now would be a great time to start an exercise routine. Just saying it wouldn't hurt us.
How about trying something new like yoga? I am giving it some thought.
Families can play board games. And there are always arts & crafts for children to do.
Enjoy a trip down memory lane while organizing old family photos.
Find an online class and learn something new.
Add in a nap to your day.
Start a journal.
How about starting a blog. It's a lot of work, but also a lot of fun.
Take a daily walk. The fresh air and exercise will be good for you
Plan something fun for when the pandemic is over.
The most important thing we can do is maintain a positive attitude. Do our best to concentrate on the good things in our life.
And above all else, lend a helping hand to those in need. Working together will help us all get through this trying time.