Lists and more Lists.
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Pretty much anyone who knows me knows that I am a list maker. In my defense, I sort of have to be a list maker to justify all the notepads, notebooks, and pens that I love to buy. There is a downside to having a notebook addiction. My desk is always piled up with notebooks and pens. I need to organize them all somehow.
But I think lists are essential. We have so many things to keep track of anymore — what better way to keep track of things than with actual pen and paper. Lists help us not to forget the many things we juggle.
The Practical kind of lists.
1. My daily to-do list. Things I have to do and where I have to go. Don't want to forget anything important.
2. Book list. As an avid reader, it seems anymore that everything I read is part of a series. So, I need to keep track of how many books and what order to read them in and which ones I've read. Hey, it can get complicated.
3. Grocery list-Update the list as you run out of things. Then after planning your meals add those ingredients to the list.
4. Monthly meal plan- Helps with planning out the grocery list.
5. Cleaning list-The daily or weekly list of the routine cleaning chores.
6. Bills to pay, how much and the due dates.
7. Vacation list. What do we need to take, and what do we plan to do. We are driving again this year. Which means we can bring so much more. Probably much more than needed.
8. Cleaning list. Things we don't do every day. When I see something that needs doing I put it on the list. I have to admit the list can get pretty long at times
9. Gift list. When you see something you know someone on your list would like to receive, you jot it down on your gift list.
10. Shopping list for home things. A set of sheets you know you want to get, maybe some new decor for the living room. Keeping your list handy with colors and sizes makes your shopping much more manageable.
11. List your goals of the things you would like to accomplish.
It's so easy to get a little crazy with the list maker. List some fun things.
The fun kind of Lists
1. Things I want to bake. I am always saving recipes to try.
2. Movies I went to watch.
3. Celebrities I would like to meet.
4. Make a bucket list.
5. Things you like to do.
6. Things you hate to do.
7. Lakes and beaches you would like to visit.
8. Places you would like to take the grandchildren.
9. Make a list of things you would like to do each season of the year. It will be fun to check them off as you do them.
10. A list of restaurants and ice cream parlors in your area that you haven't yet tried.
It can be easy to get carried making lists. So, make sure to have plenty of notepads, notebooks, and pens on hand at all times. But keep on going with the lists!