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Some of The Best Helpful Household Tips

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Some of The Best Helpful Household Tips

Who isn't looking for tips to make cleaning and organizing a little bit easier? I am pretty sure most of us are looking to make our life easier. Below are a few of the best household tips I have come across. And I use them all.

If you haven't tried 20 Mule Team Borax, you are missing out on some significant cleaning power.

Below are just a few things you can do with Borax.


Borax can whiten your white clothes.

If you have hard water, it will soften the water.

Borax can be used for stain removal.

Borax can take care of odors and bacteria.

Other Uses for Borax-

You can easily make all-purpose cleaner-

3 Tbsp borax, 1 cup of vinegar, and add 3 cups of warm water. Use the mixture to give your kitchens and baths a good cleaning.

If you have a toilet that needs a major clean-up, Borax has the solution for you-take 1/4 cup of Borax, pour into the toilet, and then swish with the toilet brush. Next, pour a cup of vinegar into the toilet and let sit for 20-30 minutes. Your toilet will now be clean.

Want to preserve your fresh-cut flowers longer? Just add a little borax to the water.

Borax can clean up mold and mildew. Borax, hot water, and a spray bottle are all you need for that job.

Do you need to remove some rust? Borax and lemon juice made into a paste is the cure for that rust.

Having issues with insects? Spread equal amounts of sugar and Borax in the areas that seem affected by ants, fleas, or other bugs.

If you use Borax already, how about sharing with us the ways you use it.

Keep your coffee tasting good!

Make it a monthly habit to fill the reservoir of your coffee maker with water and 2-3 tablespoons of white vinegar. Let set in the reservoir for a bit. Then place a filter in the coffee basket and run the mixture through the coffee maker. Then run a pot of plain water through it to remove any taste of the vinegar.

Your coffee will continue to taste like coffee, and you will have cleaned out any bacteria that formed in your coffee maker.

Microwaves have a way of getting messy. All kinds of leftovers end up all over inside the microwave. For fast, easy cleaning, fill a bowl with water and some Dawn dish detergent. Place the container in the microwave and let it do its magic. Set the timer for four minutes or so. Then carefully remove the bowl of hot water from the microwave and quickly wipe down the inside. Gone is all the gunk.

Last year after Christmas, I found the perfect idea for storing my leftover Christmas wrapping paper. I had an under-the-bed wheeled storage container that I wasn't using. And it worked perfectly with room left for tissue paper and gift tags. It's under the bed in the guest room, just waiting to be rolled out for the festivities this year.

Plan your weekly menus ahead of time and shop once a week. Put a halt to that daily stop at the store. Save yourself even more time by planning a few crockpot meals. No stopping at the store and your dinner ready and waiting for you when you get home. Sounds pretty good, right?

Over the door shoe racks can be used in so many ways. Get some sturdy plastic see-through shoe racks and let your imagination go to work for you—easy way to get some organizing done.

Here are some ideas for over the door shoe racks-

Cleaning supplies

Hats, scarfs, gloves

Mom's craft supplies

Baby items-wipes, diapers, shoes, bibs

Kids art supplies

Aluminum foil, plastic wrap, storage, and freezer bags

Children's clothing, leggings, shirts, socks

Write everything down! Yep, it's that simple. I don't believe that I am the only one who needs to do that. If I want to remember what I need at the store, or an appointment that I need to make, or an appointment I need to go to, I write it down! Or, of course, there are always apps you can use for reminders.

Jotting things down can be a time saver. Save yourself that extra trip to the store. Don't be late for an appointment.

Always be confident that you are on top of things.

Decluttering can be challenging and kind of scary. It's hard to part with things—especially those things we have had for a long time. So try boxing up some of the items you are struggling with getting rid of. Tape up the box and then date it. Stash it away in a closet or the basement.

Six months from now if you haven't even thought about anything in that box. Donate it. Don't open it. Just donate it.

To avoid the clutter of shoes in the entryway, place a shoe rack or a large basket at the doorway. With a few gentle reminders, the family will get in the habit of keeping their shoes put away.

To avoid the clutter of jackets and backpacks, place a coat rack or hooks on the wall above your shoe storage. If you have small children, put them lower on the wall to make it easy to hang up their belongings.

Every Monday or Friday, pick an area or a project you want to tackle in the coming week. Even if you only work on it for fifteen minutes or so, you are getting it started. Maybe set aside a little time each week to work on the area until you have completely accomplished your goal. Then begin the next place that needs some work.

Slow but sure wins the race.

Extra little strategies

Sort and toss the mail as it comes in.

Make your bed every morning.

Set up automatic bill pay.

Have a basket for school papers, permission slips that require a signature, etc.

Keep extra of the items you regularly use, such as paper towels, dish soap, etc.

Keep a few birthday cards and some gift wrap on hand for those forgotten last-minute occasions.

I hope you found these tips helpful.


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