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Bucket Lists For Us Older Folks

Bucket Lists for Us Older Folks-What's on your list?

I have to admit that I have never made a bucket list. Not sure why. It has just never been a priority for me. It's not something I have ever given much thought too.

Now I am getting older; Okay, I am old, not just getting old. I should have a bucket list. Right? But what the heck, would I put it on it?

So, I started doing a little research to see what the older generation was putting on their bucket lists.

And it was quite interesting to see what some people put on their lists. Are any of these things on your bucket list?

What I found on other peoples bucket lists:

Learn a new language

Start a new hobby

Take a cruise


Zip line

Start a blog

Go on a road trip

Record your life stories for your grandchildren

Hot air balloon ride

Go back to school

Sing Karaoke

Try new foods

Swim with the dolphins

Drive Route 66

Forgive people who have wronged you in some way.

Do something a little scary that requires stepping out of their comfort zone.

Read some of the classics

Visit a foreign country

Do volunteer work

I have to say; I am impressed by so many things that people place on their bucket lists. Many are inspirational and exciting. Some sound like so much fun.

I don't consider myself an adventurous type of person. I have never had what I would call lofty goals. I am kind of comfortable in my little comfort zone. Yep, I said it-comfort zone. I know we are all encouraged to step out of our so-called comfort zone. I have to be forced out of my comfort zone, kicking and screaming.

I have a couple of things on my bucket list that will require me to step out that comfort zone. Of course, there is no guarantee that I will do them, but you never know. My bucket list is far from exciting, but now at least I can say I have one.

My bucket list:

Reconnect with some of my old high school friends-It really would be fun to some time connect with those we were closet with in high school. We really should have stayed in contact.

Go to a few more concerts-Who would I like to see? Toby Keith for one and Kid Rock. I wish I had made it a point to see Tom Petty. Now, I will never have that chance.

Have my make up done by a professional-maybe sometime soon for a special occasion?

Explore more of my home state (Michigan)-There are a lot of beautiful places to see in Michigan. One place to start would be in the Upper Peninsula. Long weekend road trips would be fun.

Live outside of my home state-even if only briefly. But only if it's somewhere warm.

Zip line on Fremont street in Las Vegas-And me afraid of heights. But, when I was watching them a few years ago, it looked like I might be able to handle it.

Volunteer at an animal shelter-My problem would be that I would want

to take them all home with me.

Time will tell if I ever step out of my comfort zone and zip line or move out of the state. I may surprise everyone and myself, for that matter.

So what's on your bucket list? Share your lists; maybe you will give me a few more to add to my list.

The older you get, the faster you have to work on those lists. Prioritize and keep going!

"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone."

"Stop dreaming about your bucket list and start living it."

Annette White


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