No Matter Your Age You Are Never Too Old To Have Fun
"We don't stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing." George Bernard Shaw
"As soon as you feel too old to do a thing, do it." Margaret Deland
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Does getting old mean that the fun disappears from our life? Is there an age limit to having fun? At what age are we considered too old for fun? 50? 60? 70?
The answer is hell no; there is no age limit for having fun. We should keep on having fun to the very end.
Some people have a vision of what old age looks like. They see older people sitting in rocking chairs watching television or knitting. There is nothing wrong with doing those things. If knitting and tv make you happy, you should keep right on doing it. But try out new things also.
Many older people are perfectly capable of continuing what they have been doing right along. Instead of knitting, some people prefer to socialize and go to dinner with family and friends. Or, instead of watching some TV, others will be sitting in the movie theater enjoying a movie on the big screen while indulging in some awesome movie theater popcorn.
Of course, it's a personal preference. But don't limit yourself to sitting in your chair.
Just forget the words 'I am too old for that.'
Don't base your decision on what you can do at your age. Base your decision on what you can do and want to do.
Think back on what you enjoyed doing a year ago, five years, or even ten years ago. Is there any reason you couldn't still do some of those things?
Take a trip back in time and enjoy some of those fun things you did when you were younger.
If you enjoyed fairs and carnivals when you were young, why not go to one now. If the roller coaster is too much for you, how about the Ferris Wheel or the Merry Go Round. Or you can just stroll through the carnival eating cotton candy and soaking up the whole carnival atmosphere.
Don't get yourself stuck in the same routine day in and day out. It's vitally important to keep learning and keep moving and stay social. Shake things up a bit now and then. Step out of your comfort zone and try something new.
There are plenty of ways to keep having fun as we get older. And many of us find new things that we had never considered before.
A large majority of Senior citizens find fun in gardening, walking, and jogging.
Other ways that seniors find fun
There is an endless variety of board games, and it's a great way to socialize. Grab some snacks and wine or coffee and have a pleasant, fun afternoon or evening.
Many communities have Senior Centers that offer a large selection of activities and outings. A great way to meet some new people. You should check out a Senior Center and really see what they have to offer. They may offer Bingo, meals, movies, and day trips.
Many seniors find it fun to volunteer their services to the different organizations that need volunteers to help out. Have fun and enjoy the feeling of being helpful and necessary.
Shopping-A trip to the mall and lunch with a friend or two is always fun.
Traveling with a group, whether a couple of your friends taking a short road trip or a trip organized by a tour company.
Book clubs-If you are into reading, why not form a book club. Discuss books, have some lunch, and enjoy some conversation.
If you enjoy sports, how about taking in a ball game? It doesn't have to be a pro game. How about a local school game.
Join an exercise group. Have fun and do something good for yourself.
Consider getting a pet if you don't already have one. A cat or dog can be great company. They may not be a great conversationalist, but they can be entertaining.
How about playing golf? Or even more fun, try miniature golf.
Plan some gatherings with a theme- A trivia night, a Mexican fiesta where everyone brings a Mexican dish to pass. How about an ice cream social with everyone contributing something for ice cream sundaes or banana splits. There are unlimited possibilities for themes that will create an evening of fun. Let your imagination lead you.
Continuing to have fun as we age is almost as important as eating healthy, doing some exercise, and seeing our doctors regularly.
Having fun can contribute to your well-being and happiness. You will feel younger and have more energy. So my advice is to get out there and have some fun.
I would love to hear about what some of you do for fun.
"You don't stop having fun because you get old, you get old because you stop having fun."
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